The MoonCatcher Project

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Day 9: Our new zigzag machine is here!

We left early again this morning for the sewing space and met our tailors for their second day of work. It was a busy and productive day. We got lots of pad carriers made, cut new parts and put elastic on shoelaces. This was especially exciting because we had ordered a home machine off of Amazon India and were curious to know if it would really show up. It did, and it works and we now have this important piece of equipment in place! We use it to properly attach the elastic to the shoelace so that it becomes a “one-size-fits-all” belt.

Maureen went shopping on the local streets with one of our tailors and bought lots of little things that will help make it easier to do this work. We now have small plastic bins, pins, tape, hand sewing needles, and other small but necessary items. It’s beginning to feel like a very well- equipped work space. We even have a sign-in notebook so that everyone can sign in and out each day.

Maureen brought her little photo printer and at the very end of the day she printed off photos of each tailor. These women squealed like school girls when they saw those pictures come out of that machine. It was so much fun for us to watch this and made us laugh.

Next, we went to the printer to copy off lists and contracts and whatnot. We bought pens and markers and then headed for a little cafe we’d heard about to have a quiet dinner and relax. The food was wonderful and my watermelon, honey dew and mint drink - yummy!

Fire crackers have started  to go off in preparation for Diwali, the big festival coming up on November seventh. I jump every single time one goes off. At the end of another amazing day, I am heading off for a shower and some sleep!