The MoonCatcher Project

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Day 8: Catching up with Mary

I woke to the sound of the waves on the beach. I forgot for a moment that it was Lake Malawi and not the ocean. I woke with mosquito bites on my face and arms after battling them all night and mostly NOT sleeping. I always seem to have one night like this in Africa. It had rained too so everything was wet and fresh smelling.

Beautiful Lake Malawi.

After a breakfast of hot rice porridge, veggie omelets and fried plantain we settled our bill and left for Nyamoti’s house. Patience, Emily and one other tailor were there. We talked about the future of the sewing guild and expectations on both sides. They presented me with a lovely mortar and pestle carved with elephant motifs and bade us a safe journey.

With one stop for bananas - two kinds - we made it to Muzuzu just in time to meet up with “our very pregnant” Mary.  She looks adorable and we were so delighted to see each other after a year’s time. We chatted and caught up and held an impromptu baby shower. Kelly had sent gifts and I brought a few things. Mary was so happy and swore she’d dress baby Arnold in the outfit I gave her for leaving the hospital and send a picture too. She told us she thought it made this whole baby thing seem very real.

Our good friend, and the person who helped us get started in Malawi, Mary.

Tomorrow we buy sewing machines for Chituka and head back to Mtunthama. Delicious dinner of veggie stew and rice tonight. Lon bought us chocolate! Along with Mary that made the day pretty perfect.