The MoonCatcher Project

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Day 5 Uganda: The Road to Jinja

After gathering up all the supplies we needed for our tailors in Jinja and Palissa and cramming them into the car along with suitcases of personal items, bags of mangos and bunches of bananas we set off for our next destination about 80 miles from Kampala. In the US that would take about an hour to drive but here it takes about 3-4 hours. It seems to always take a while to pass through Kampala city and a short pause to meet Phoebe’s  bodaboda driver who delivered shoelaces to us making it longer. We passed through lots of little towns with busy markets  and lots of people and then through beautiful fields and wooded areas.

One of the things I love about this country is that there’s always something to be curious about and keep you thoroughly entertained. I liked the tractor trailer that announced on its back bumper “long vehicle” or the billboard advertising ways to increase productivity in your business that says  “chap chap” in big bright letters. Women carry everything imaginable on their heads and I continue to be delighted by the loads of stuff carried on bodabodas. It poured for a few minutes and then the sun came out. The clouds looked like the ones I love so much in Colorado and the green in the fields was dazzling.

As we drove along, Charlotte wrote stories about various MoonCatcher partners here. She peppered us with questions about each person and then read variations of her prose to us. May as well work while we have the time.

We arrived at The Nile Hotel in Jinja at 4:15 pm, having left a bit after 11:00 am. We did stop to get tea and chapati and to use the washroom but bumpy roads and loads of traffic makes these trips take more time than I’m used to. I really don’t mind one bit but I do feel badly for Phoebe who does ALL the driving.

And that’s about it. We are here! The front clerk remembers us which is always fun. We each got some time alone, met for dinner and will have a packed day tomorrow.

Off to bed.

* I know you are wondering about the pigs. No word from Alfred so I guess Phoebe’s drift remains at 12.