Day 14 March 10, 2018 Uganda

We got to hang out at our hotel, The Nile, until 10:00 today. It’s always kind of fun to have a chance to get caught up on emails, laundry and that sort of thing.

At 10:00 we left for Bosoga School to meet Tabitha in her sewing room. Milly, my sponsor girl, met us there and we spent 3 hours helping Tabitha make MoonCatcher kits. Milly and I sat next to each other putting cording in the drawstring bags and chatting about life. We also helped do some cutting of the fleece. She’s such a darling and a joy to be around. Her school allowed her time off to visit with me.

After a lunch of porsha, sweet potato, beans and cabbage Milly went back to school. We went to meet with the Warika Women’s craft co-operative to buy some goods from them to sell at MoonBees. It’s always fun to support these women and see what they have to sell.

Tabitha, Phoebe and I went off to buy thread and seam rippers for two of our guilds. Next, a stop at the bank, made us feel ready for our trip to Kenya tomorrow.

Back at the Nile we packed and repacked out duffels making sure that we were organized for both the Kenya trip and my return to the States. My there seems to be a lot of baskets!



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Ellie von Wellsheim