We make reusable menstrual pads for girls

Video above: How to use a MoonCatcher Kit


What we do...

Since 2011 The MoonCatcher Project has been making reusable, washable menstrual management kits - "MoonCatcher Kits" -  for distribution to girls around the world. Whenever we provide kits we also present our own menstrual and reproductive health curriculum. We teach a girls and a boys curriculum.

Our activities and efforts range from sewing bees - "MoonBees" -  in the US to on-the-ground education and MoonCatcher Kit production and/or distribution in Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Liberia, Ghana, India, Pakistan, Honduras, Haiti and many other countries. Here is a brief snapshot of the work we do:

MoonBees: Hosted in cities across the country, our sewing bees bring together diverse groups of volunteers who make MoonCatcher Kits for distribution either locally or to girls around the globe. Sign up for MoonCatcher Updates or check our our calendar to find out about our next MoonBee, or reach out to our founder, Ellie von Wellsheim, to inquire about hosting a MoonBee or donating supplies (including Tyvek envelopes, thread, or fabric).

Menstrual Management and Reproductive Health Classes: With our partners, we offer classes on menstrual and reproductive health to  school girls and boys entering puberty. Our US-based partners travel to countries around the world and deliver our curriculum when they donate MoonCatcher Kits to school girls.

On-the-Ground Sewing Cooperatives: In close partnership with other non-profit and faith organizations, we are empowering communities to build local sewing and soap-making cooperatives and make MoonCatcher Kits for their own communities using donated supplies and materials.

If you work for an organization and would like to discuss opportunities for collaboration please contact us at ellie@mooncatcher.org - we’d love to hear from you.